
Pet therapy: how dogs can improve your mental health

In the frenzy of modern society, stress and anxiety have become constant companions for many people. In fact, the search for unconventional approaches to improve mental health is constantly increasing and one practice that has gained popularity in recent years is the pet therapy, especially the interaction with dogs. This form of therapy offers tangible mental health benefits, bringing joy, comfort and emotional stability to those who participate.

photo of man hugging tan dog

Benefits of pet therapy

The bond between humans and animals has very deep roots and dates back thousands of years. This bond is so powerful that it has evolved into a form of therapy known as “pet therapy.” Animals, especially dogs, they can offer unconditional support and connection that can be vital to mental wellbeing. But what are the benefits of this therapy?

  1. Interaction with animals is known to promote reduction of stress and anxiety levels. The mere presence of a dog can also contribute to lower blood pressure and decrease cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Finally, petting a dog releases endorphins, known as “happiness neurotransmitters” because they help improve our mood.
  2. Pet therapy can be a valuable resource for those struggling with depression, as pets offer unconditional love and a reason to get out of bed every day, providing structure and a sense of purpose in its owner's life.
  3. Dogs require regular physical activity, such as walks and outdoor games, and this encourages their owners to stay active, leading to physical and mental benefits. Exercise is known to reduce stress and improve mood, thus contributing to overall mental health.


person with dog sitting on Grand Canyon cliff

The role of dogs in therapeutic assistance

The significant contribution of dogs intherapeutic assistance manifests itself through two crucial roles: therapy dogs and service dogs.

  1. I therapy dogs they are specially trained to offer emotional support to their owners in stressful or emotionally difficult situations. These dogs wag their tails in places like hospitals, nursing homes and recovery centers to help improve people's moods. Their loving presence translates into a positive impact on the mental health of those who benefit from it.
  2. I service dogs are trained to assist people with physical or mental disabilities. They can provide emotional support, assist with daily tasks, and even sense impending medical crises, significantly improving their owners' quality of life.

Pet therapy offers an alternative and complementary avenue for addressing mental health challenges. Interaction with dogs not only brings joy and fun to people's lives, but has significant scientifically proven benefits on mental health. In summary, these affectionate four-legged friends have the power to significantly improve the lives of us human beings, as well as all other animals, for that matter.